Encode/Decode some regex
import java.util.UUID
import com.github.gekomad.ittocsv.core.Types.implicits._
given IttoCSVFormat = IttoCSVFormat.default
case class Bar(a: String, b: SHA1, c: SHA256, d: MD5, e: UUID, f: Email, g: IP6, h: BitcoinAdd, i: URL)
val sha1 = SHA1("1c18da5dbf74e3fc1820469cf1f54355b7eec92d")
val uuid = UUID.fromString("1CC3CCBB-C749-3078-E050-1AACBE064651")
val md5 = MD5("23f8e84c1f4e7c8814634267bd456194")
val sha256 = SHA256("000020f89134d831f48541b2d8ec39397bc99fccf4cc86a3861257dbe6d819d1")
val email = Email("daigoro@itto.com")
val ip = IP6("2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1")
val bitcoinAdd = BitcoinAdd("3Nxwenay9Z8Lc9JBiywExpnEFiLp6Afp8v")
val url = URL("http://www.aaa.cdd.com")
val bar = Bar("abc", sha1, sha256, md5, uuid, email, ip, bitcoinAdd, url)
val csvString =
import com.github.gekomad.ittocsv.core.ToCsv._
assert(toCsv(bar) == csvString)
import com.github.gekomad.ittocsv.core.FromCsv._
assert(fromCsv[Bar](csvString) == List(Right(bar)))
Encode/Decode your own regex
Using encode for MyType:
given Decoder[String, MyType] = (s: String) => RegexValidator[MyType](regexString).validate(s)
Example encoding N:Int to “[N]”
import com.github.gekomad.ittocsv.parser.IttoCSVFormat
given IttoCSVFormat = IttoCSVFormat.default
case class MyType(a: Int)
case class Foo(a: MyType, b: Int)
import com.github.gekomad.ittocsv.core.ToCsv._
given FieldEncoder[MyType] = customFieldEncoder[MyType](node => s"[${node.a}]")
assert(toCsv(Foo(MyType(42), 99)) == "[42],99")
Using decode
implicit def _d(implicit csvFormat: IttoCSVFormat): String => Either[ParseFailure, MyType] = (str: String) => ???
Example decoding “[N]” to N:Int
import com.github.gekomad.ittocsv.parser.IttoCSVFormat
import scala.util.Try
given IttoCSVFormat = IttoCSVFormat.default
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
case class MyType(a: Int)
case class Foo(a: MyType, b: Int)
import com.github.gekomad.ittocsv.core.FromCsv._
given Decoder[String, MyType] = str => {
if (str.startsWith("[") && str.endsWith("]"))
Try(str.substring(1, str.length - 1).toInt)
.map(f => Right(MyType(f)))
.getOrElse(Left(List(s"Not a MyType $str")))
else Left(List(s"Wrong format $str"))
assert(fromCsv[Foo]("[42],99") == List(Right(Foo(MyType(42), 99))))
assert(fromCsv[Foo]("[x],99") == List(Left(List("Not a MyType [x]"))))
assert(fromCsv[Foo]("42,99") == List(Left(List("Wrong format 42"))))
The TreeTest.scala shows how to encode/decode a Tree[Int]
Defined regex
(full list scala-regex-collection)
- Email ($abc@</span>def</span>.c)
- Email1 (abc@</span>def</span>.com)
- Email simple ($@</span>%</span>.$)
- UUID (1CC3CCBB-C749-3078-E050-1AACBE064651)
- MD5 (23f8e84c1f4e7c8814634267bd456194)
- SHA1 (1c18da5dbf74e3fc1820469cf1f54355b7eec92d)
- SHA256 (000020f89134d831f48541b2d8ec39397bc99fccf4cc86a3861257dbe6d819d1)
URL, IP, MAC Address
- IP (
- IP_6 (2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1)
- URLs (http://</span>abc.def</span>.com)
- Youtube (https://</span>www</span>.youtube</span>.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0)
- Facebook (https://</span>www</span>.facebook.</span>com/thesimpsons - https://</span>www</span>.facebook.</span>com/pages/)
- Twitter (https://</span>twitter</span>.com/rtpharry)
- MAC Address (fE:dC:bA:98:76:54)
- HEX (#F0F0F0 - 0xF0F0F0)
- Bitcon Address (3Nxwenay9Z8Lc9JBiywExpnEFiLp6Afp8v)
Phone numbers
- US phone number (555-555-5555 - (416)555-3456)
- Italian Mobile Phone (+393471234561 - 3381234561)
- Italian Phone (02 645566 - 02/583725 - 02-583725)
Date time
- 24 Hours time (23:50:00)
- LocalDateTime (2000-12-31T11:21:19)
- LocalDate (2000-12-31)
- LocalTime (11:21:19)
- OffsetDateTime (2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00)
- OffsetTime (10:15:30+01:00)
- ZonedDateTime (2016-12-02T11:15:30-05:00)
- MDY (1/12/1902 - 12/31/1902)
- MDY2 (1-12-1902)
- MDY3 (01/01/1900 - 12/31/9999)
- MDY4 (01-12-1902 - 12-31-2018)
- DMY (1/12/1902)
- DMY2 (12-31-1902 - 1-12-1902)
- DMY3 (01/12/1902 - 01/12/1902)
- DMY4 (01-12-1902 - 01-12-1902)
- Time (8am - 8 pm - 11 PM - 8:00 am)
- Crontab expression (5 4 * * *)
- Italian fiscal code (BDAPPP14A01A001R)
- Italian VAT code (13297040362)
- Italian Iban (IT28 W800 0000 2921 0064 5211 151 - IT28W8000000292100645211151)
- US states (FL - CA)
- US states1 (Connecticut - Colorado)
- US zip code (43802)
- US streets (123 Park Ave Apt 123 New York City, NY 10002)
- US street numbers (P.O. Box 432)
- Italian zip code (23887)
- German streets (Mühlenstr. 33)
- USD Currency ($1.00 - 1,500.00)
- EUR Currency (0,00 € - 133,89 EUR - 133,89 EURO)
- YEN Currency (¥1.00 - 15.00 - ¥-1213,120.00)
- Not ASCII (テスト。)
- Single char ASCII (A)
- A-Z string (abc)
- String and number (a1)
- ASCII string (a1%)
- Apache error ([Fri Dec 16 02:25:55 2005] [error] [client] Client sent malformed Host header)
- Number1 (99.99 - 1.1 - .99)
- Unsigned32 (0 - 122 - 4294967295)
- Signed (-10 - +122 - 99999999999999999999999999)
- Percentage (10%)
- Scientific (-2.384E-03)
- Single number (1)
- Celsius (-2.2 °C)
- Fahrenheit (-2.2 °F)
- Coordinate (N90.00.00 E180.00.00)
- Coordinate1 (45°23’36.0” N 10°33’48.0” E)
- Coordinate2 (12:12:12.223546”N - 15:17:6”S - 12°30’23.256547”S)
- Comments (/* foo */)